Bizezi is a New Zealand designed business validation and planning app.
Validating Your Hustle!
Validating your hustle is an important part of the entrepreneur process. Over one day, the programme will introduce the small business owner to a proprietary tool called Bizezi and the module related to validating a business hustle. The module helps the business owner to answer one key question "Will it work?"
The module utilises a global tool called the 'Lean Canvas' and this has been further adapted to a Lean Canvas Plus by the Bizezi team.
Mobilise Your Business Planning
Creating a business plan and learning about the business model are essential steps for building a business owner's capability. Utilising a unique New Zealand born business planning app, attendees will be guided by business facilitators through a deep understanding of their business model, validation of their business idea and seamlessly will build their business plan.
How does it work?
A primary advantage of the Lean Business Canvas is its ability to aid entrepreneurs and start-up ventures in framing their concepts clearly and using it as a roadmap to outline and test their theories. The ultimate aim of the Lean Canvas is to thoroughly articulate the central value proposition of the business and identify strategies to address customer challenges.
Business Planning:
The Bizezi App Business Plan process provides a structured framework for understanding, planning, and managing the business effectively, enabling the entrepreneur to make informed decisions and navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship successfully. Creating a business plan offers several valuable capability-building benefits to business owners. These benefits can help entrepreneurs make informed decisions, secure financing, and navigate the complexities of running a successful business.